Adult Fellowship & Faith

Beyond Sunday Morning Worship we also offer opportunities for adults to grow and study together in faith. If you’re interested in learning more, fill out the contact form below.

Covenant Sunday school Class

Who: For any Adult

When: 9:30 AM on Sundays before Worship

Where: Church Library

The Covenant Sunday School Class meets together Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM before worship, where they follow the Present Word quarterly curriculum, looking at stories and lessons of Scripture.

The seekers sunday school class

Who: For any Adult

When: 9:30 AM on Sundays before Worship

Where: Church Parlor

The Seekers Sunday school Class is a new class that will start meeting at 9:30 AM before worship on Sunday, September 15th. They will start off using a curriculum by Adam Hamilton called, “Making Sense of the Bible,” which focuses on a different question or theme concerning the Bible.


Who: Anyone interested in singing

When: 7:15 PM on Wednesdays

Where: Choir Room

If you can make a joyful noise to the Lord with your voice, consider joining the choir! The choir rehearses on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 PM. For more information, contact Kristen Anderson our director of music.

Wednesday Evening Study

Who: Anyone interested in watching and discussing The Chosen

When: 6 PM every 1st and 3rd Wednesday

Where: The Fellowship Hall

Starting on September 18th, a new class will start meeting every 1st and 3rd Wednesday in the Fellowship Hall to watch the TV show, The Chosen. This show takes the life of Jesus and along with artistic interpretation, seeks to provide a dramatic retelling of the stories of Jesus and his followers. After watching scenes from the show, we will discuss what we have watched and dive deeper into the text of the scripture presented. We meet at 6pm, so bring your dinner with you!


Who: Anyone interested in learning Hebrew.

When: 6:30 AM on Wednesdays

Where: Church Library

Join this Bible Study group in learning baby Hebrew (the language of the Old Testament) together on Wednesday Mornings at 6:30 AM. No experience or expertise is required. For more information, contact Rev. Dudley.

Presbyterian Men’s Breakfast

When: First Sunday of the Month at 8:30 AM

Where: The Fellowship Hall

The Presbyterian Men gather on the first Sunday of the month at 8:30 AM before worship for breakfast and a devotional reflection.

Presbyterian Women’s Circles

Who: Women of all ages

When: First Monday of the Month at 1:00 PM and Fourth Thursday of the Month at 5:30 PM

Where: The Church Parlor and Off Campus As Announced Each Month

Looking to connect with other women? Our Presbyterian Women offer two circles, one that meets at 1 PM every first Monday and another at 5:30 PM every fourth Thursday. We meet from September through May and this season will be studying different women from the Old Testament using the book, “From Widows to Warriors,” by Lynn Japinga. For more information, contact Pastor Elizabeth

Women’s Bible Journaling

Who: Women of all ages

When: Third Thursday of the Month at 6:00 PM

Where: The Church Library

Women who are interested in a Bible study that goes a bit outside the box are welcome to come on the third Thursday of the month at 6:00 PM. Pastor Elizabeth leads the group in a Bible study. We discuss key words that stand out from the scripture and then express our response to these words by coloring or drawing in our Bibles.