First Presbyterian preSChool

Toddler 1, Toddler 2, 3-Day and 5-Day Classes

Parent Forms and Handbook


Food Allergy

●    FPC Preschool does not purport to be, nor can it be deemed to be free of food items and non-food items that may lead to a severe allergic or anaphylactic reaction. The Preschool will make every reasonable effort to reduce the risk to children with severe allergies or anaphylaxis in accordance with this policy.

For the safety of your child with food allergies of any kind, please provide a detailed LIST of all foods causing your child a reaction.

Medical Management

Each student at risk for a life-threatening allergic reaction must have a Food Allergy Action Plan completed annually by a physician and on file with the classroom teacher. Please download the form below. One copy should be stored with each of the student’s Epi-pens/Twinjects.

The parents of a child with food allergies, along with the student, are responsible for alerting the teacher in writing to the food allergy and making plans together for how to best accommodate the student based on the guidelines presented in this policy.

Any student who has been given epinephrine, either manually or via an auto-injector device such as an Epi-pen, must be transported to the hospital via emergency services personnel.

Students’ Epi-pens or Twinjects must be stored in a secure but unlocked location easily accessible by the Weekday School Administrator or classroom teachers to ensure prompt availability in the event of an allergic emergency at school.

●    Should a child have a known allergy to specific foods, every precaution will be taken by the staff to ensure the health and safety of that child.  Snack options will be discussed with the parent. An Allergy Action Plan must be on file for the student

 Contact information:  

First Presbyterian Church Preschool

901 N Park AveDunn, NC  28334 


Preschool Teachers and Assistant Teachers

5 Day Class: Ranae Strickland & Ashley Sealey

3 Day Class: Ana Miguel & Lisa Ennis

Toddler 1 Class: Taylor White & Crystal Weller

Toddler 2 Class: Taylor White, Crystal Weller & Ana Miguel