Church Staff

Rev. Howard Dudley


Dena BradhamDirector of Christian Education

Dena Bradham

Director of Christian Education

Kristen AndersonDirector of Music

Kristen Anderson

Director of Music

Lesia CampbellChurch Administrator

Lesia Campbell

Church Administrator

First Presbyterian Church Weekday School Staff

Kathy FennellTeacher, Five Day Class

Kathy Fennell

Teacher, Five Day Class

Lisa EnnisTeacher, Two & Three Day Classes

Lisa Ennis

Teacher, Two & Three Day Classes

Beth SmithTeacher, Mothers Morning Out

Beth Smith

Teacher, Mothers Morning Out

Laura BrewerAssistant, Five Day Class

Laura Brewer

Assistant, Five Day Class

Margaret HerringAssistant, Mother's Morning Out

Margaret Herring

Assistant, Mother's Morning Out

Ginger JohnsonAssistant,  Two & Three Day Classes

Ginger Johnson

Assistant,  Two & Three Day Classes


In our church, decisions are made by the Session, a council of twenty-one elders elected to three year terms who together prayerfully discern God's will for our church.


Lisa Fitchett

Billy Ray Godwin, Jr. 

June Green

Cindy Smith

Gale Tart

Ryan Taylor

Heather Williams


David Bradham

Brad Brown

Bill Lasater

Tilghman Pope

Matthew Smith

A.C. Williams

Courtney Williams


Susan Hatley

Linda Hayes

Linda Lee

Bryant Pope

Clint Stanley

Caron Stewart

John Williams


In our church, the works of service and congregational care is coordinated by our diaconate, a council of twelve deacons elected to three year terms who together to use the gifts of all of our members to show God's love to our neighbors and world.


Faye Jackson

Casey Kerley

Natalie Turner

Patsy Williams


Claudette Green

Melissa Stevens

Russ Warren

Susan Williamson


Morgan Colmenero

Lee Herring

Anne Johnson

Jackye Sholar